Social Entreprise

What is social enterprise ?

A social enterprise is a form of entrepreneurship that integrates innovative approaches to address societal, cultural, or environmental issues while simultaneously pursuing financial effectiveness.

These enterprises prioritize local responses to diverse social challenges, particularly those affecting vulnerable groups, contributing to collective social progress and economic development. 

They operate across various forms, including cooperatives, micro-finance institutions, civil society charities, social businesses, or community interest companies. 

At their core, social enterprises play a pivotal role in uplifting living conditions of the underprivileged while pursuing organizational sustainability through business models tailored to address social problems.

Why social enterprise ?

Social enterprises are open in different forms such as cooperatives, micro-finance, companies, and civil society organizations running social businesses in Nepal.

What are the impact, achievement of SE ?


What are the challenges, problems and issues ?

  1. Lack of Proper Legal Definition of Social Enterprise: There is ambiguity as to how social enterprises are legally classified, affecting entities like NGOs that operate with social goals but are not officially recognized as social enterprises due to profit-making restrictions.
  2. Provision of Taxes and Audit Compliance: Due to the absence of a clear definition, there is inconsistency in how tax regulations are applied to social enterprises. This lack of uniformity complicates compliance and adds uncertainty to financial planning.
  3. Lack of Support System for Marketing and Market Access: Social enterprises struggle with marketing their products or services effectively and accessing wider markets. This hampers growth and sustainability despite their social missions.

How can NSE helps ?

The NSE website can play a pivotal role by providing a platform for social enterprises to gain visibility, attract investment, and access a broader market base. This support is crucial for enhancing viability and impact in the social enterprise sector.